
stop asking about employment gaps


New poor vs old poor.


I want all the money I put into social security back

This is bullshit. The fucking boomer generation doesn’t need handouts paid for by me. Im never going to see that social security money in my lifetime. I want it now. Fuck you government.


Me vs nazi boy pt2


Single mom with a sick kids manager called and yells I’m not allowed to call off

I’m 28 single mom of 2 young kids and my 5 year old woke up at 3 am saying she was dizzy she was hot checked temp and she was 101. I texted my gm per her request to give her as much notice if I thought I had a problem that my kid had a fever and wasn’t sure if I could make it to work. I texted again at 4 that I was for sure not going to make it in since my kids fever hadn’t broke and daycare policy needed kids 24 hour fever free. My shift was 8am I had texted another manager at 630 to make sure they were aware. They were not my gm never let them know so manager calls me saying I can’t call out less then 2 hours before my shift and I have to come in they need me and…


Stumbled across this and I feel like this community would appreciate it haha

Stumbled across this on tiktok and I feel like this community would enjoy it Especially us remote workers


I was hired as entry-level A, forced to work as B for 6 months, low pay and no help

I was hired as QA – entry level (switched career). They commented on me that I didn't know anything but I spoke confidently so they hired me with a very low pay. I accepted. They told me to work as font-end developer as “challenge” to see if I was honest and wanted to work for them. Completely alone, no support, nothing. I asked them if I could leave, they said no, I already signed the 6 months contract, or I would have to pay them money. I thought they meant it. I managed to study HTML CSS, JS, SQL alone, and run the project and fix all the things they told me to without a senior or any support. After 5 months I reached my limit, I wanted to work as QA, I asked them if the challenge was done. They told me that they sorry but they just got…


I’m not going to work, get drafted or apply for jobs for 2 YEARS!

Yep. I did it. Im getting paid two years 75% of my previous income and im getting oceans of free time. It's over bros. I'm checking out.


I envy those countries

Some countries are just so good. Student's don't have to study all day everyday. They can have a real childhood, parties and relationships without worrying about ruining their future. Adults don't have to ''willingly'' work overtime while getting low payment. They can easily live a happy life with a unskilled job and they even get to choose what they like to do. They don't need to worry about dying because of not being able to pay for medical bills. And so many small things like they can drink tap water.


Redundancy letter a friend was sent. A bit curt having worked there for 20 years!