I work as a data curator for a cloud data company for about a month. I work remotely, and I need to work 8 hours a day. The thing is, before this I would work for about 5~6 hours a day. I think most people who never worked remotely can't relate to this but, the thing is: this 8 hours of work is equal to me sitting in a chair being productive, no stop. Working 8 hours in an office or something like this you can get up, walk, you can talk to other people, get lunch somewhere outside of the place you work…But working at home, I can't even go to the bathroom and the time I'm away it's not valid, so I need to stop and start the tracker. It's literally 8 hours with me sitting in a chair looking at a screen doing data compiling, following strick…
I call it out and say in google review, when I visited such and such grocery store, shop, office I noticed the manager or whoever is in charge treat a worker unprofessionally I noticed that the way they handled whatever situation, was inappropriate and customers like myself could clearly see The most recent one was when I was at a government office. I’ve noticed in the last year at this office, none of the staff in the back were wearing mask while the front staff slave away. I was like ok they’re in their office. But then one manager came out and was berating a staff for doing something wrong. My gosh. Anyway I made note of it and on the google response they told me the manager has a medical exemption with a literal fucking wink face (as if they are winning some epic battle) and they treat their…
*if you hate your job. Puts things into perspective.
The Memphis store where Starbucks fired 7 pro-union workers today is currently closed due to the winter storm power outages in the area, but given they were hiring at this location, it would be a shame if people spammed and shut down Starbucks' job site for this store https://www.google.com/search?q=starbucks+jobs+memphis+tn&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS967US968&oq=starbucks+jobs+memp&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjhjLzS0fH1AhVgSfEDHWPuB04Qkd0GegQICBAB#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=starbucks+jobs+memphis+tn&htidocid=b-VfLf7S2hMAAAAAAAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=APq-WBtiHSU4kr5vF1wxk075_a9t3xGvKg:1644375915307
Well that should help with the bills.
Great working conditions
What can be done about this? Anything?! Or is it another case of the US getting its greedy hands all over native lands or is this just happening all over?