
To put our society in simple terms


The owner of Crazy Otto’s Empire Diner is not very happy they’ve been called out on their discriminatory hiring practices.




From the beginning of the pandemic. Saw it today on a food delivery. “Think of the poor property owners” literally made my blood boil.


This is actually the most surreal thing I’ve ever read.


How long does employer have to send final check?

Recently quit a job due to being offered a better job with better pay. HR told me my final check will be mailed to me and she said if I change my address within a year to be sure to call so they can update it? I don’t expect a final check to be mailed in a year lol I thought it would be like a week at the most. I’m in California in case it’s different from state to state


Got text from delivery app


Working in the office just to log into SLOW PC and do the work completely online

I work for a healthcare insurance company that I will not name but let’s just say you most likely had this health plan with this company at some point. Our computers at work are so incredibly slow that getting to the desktop takes about 5 minutes and is still very sluggish while using. Now this might sound like a short amount of time but imagine sitting in front of a blank screen for 5 minutes, where you aren’t paid until you are actually logged in. In many cases I end up being late because how long it takes to load. Company is too cheap to upgrade PCs and work can be completely done remotely yet we are not allowed to work at home at all. I’m on very good relations with management to the point where I do not really worry of getting fired but still they cannot grant us…


I’ve tried over 30 min to take a “selfie” for the government so I can file my unemployment and it won’t accept my picture. Guess who doesn’t eat this week!


Who is really resigning?

The following link goes into great detail about tech workers resigning and the desperation of tech companies. As a white-collar worker, I have been skeptical of ALL the press on the quits rate because the slant was always that service workers were quitting (implied because of corona), since I know so many office workers who quit. WELL, the article below furthers my suspicions as it states ” In IT alone, 31 percent of workers actively sought out a new job between July and September last year. This is the highest among all industries, according to analysis from Gartner ” And the article goes on to say how talent to find, presumably because people have quit. Tech Companies Desperate