
You all are great with google reviews. Have at it. Translated reviews can be found in the comments of the original post.


this video sums up work perfectly

How Other People See You – YouTube


“If the two banks weren’t hiring more graduates to fill the gaps created by resignations, who were they hiring? The answer may well be no one – staff exits create an opportunity to cut costs.”

HSBC and Barclays reveal the reality of the great resignation


I want to ask my manager for a laptop. What are some good talking points?

So i’ve been working here coming on 2 years (WFM technical support for an insurance based company) and there are newer people doing the same thing and one in particular is scoring low on our QA reviews so the QA dept is trying to see if our manager will approve a 2nd monitor for each of us to help handle taking live chats + emails at the same time. I’m having no problem with this. What I do really want is to have a laptop I can work from. The equipment we use is this huge monitor + chrome box. I am wanting to plead my case for a laptop so Im more mobile (can work from bed, the couch, other places, easier to travel). I just can’t think of a very good explanation that would make it more of an accommodation and less “I want to be able to…


I’m about to get managed out of my role. HR versus HR


Questions about a company!

Does anyone here currently or has previously worked at T-ROC? It is a wireless phone company that sources out to Walmart and other stores. Going through orientation and they are very adamant that we not discuss our compensation. What are you guy’s experiences?


When I get off work today I don’t want to come back, I know they will be angry but I just can’t do it anymore, will I still get my direct deposit ?


To do more or no

Guys at my work it’s not said but it can be seen if you do well or more for the team you get rewarded into doing more stuff or helping out on harder stuff or being chosen to work with other teams to help them as well. But although I’m not being paid as much it would be a good feeling to be chosen to help do harder stuff or helping other teams with their filing. And it just makes me think should I do more to make me feel like I’m better or just not care 🤔 it’s my first job I don’t know how to act LOL


Just found out you can get fired for “working too hard”


I don’t know what I do

Hi, I'm 25 years old, I'm graduate at Computer Science and I don't jnow what I do in my life. I mean, working 8-10 hours a day, seat on my desk with my pc that's makes me depresse, sad, lack of energy and I know that I'm losing my time and my life to do things that I don't care. I don't know what I do. Thanks for answers. P.S. Sorry for my English.