Whose Paying LinkedIn?
Am I the only one on LinkedIn who feels like they are constantly pushing the RTO message down our throats with pro RTO articles and anti-WFH articles?
Im 50/50 on if I have covid or not. A household member does. So I took a test, I want to know how much info my employer has access to. Can they look up my results? Or can they call the clinic and request my results? Thanks
Calling off work
I work in retail and they barely schedule me yet they say they’re hiring all the time. It’s like they don’t want to put their employees on their payroll for long. I’ve talked to a few others and the same thing has been happening: only scheduled to work a day or two or week or even nothing for a full week. I’ve been so pissed about it that I called off today because I thought, fuck ‘em for not scheduling people who need hours. I know it’s contradicting to do but in the moment, it felt good. Lol. But really, what’s the point in hiring people and then scheduling them next to nothing for hours??
Hi all, was hoping for any advice or help. I’m in MA if that helps. I am diagnosed with C-PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I went through a traumatic event last June & July that worsened my condition. I have been with this company for almost 2 years and was hired working from home, not as in I would permanently work remote but it was the beginning of the pandemic and that’s how my role started. I currently see a psychologist for my condition and she submitted an ADA reasonable accommodation request form for me to continue to work from home because my condition cannot be anticipated, the longevity of my episodes are uncertain, and I need to be in a safe home environment when they come about. I’ve told both HR and my psychologist that I don’t plan on this being a forever thing, but only temporary until I’ve made…
It seems like every company I have worked for has been running with about half the number of employees as would be optimal, and looking around this doesn’t appear to be uncommon. My confusion comes from the fact that from my experience management doesn’t really seem to care or see this as a problem. Workers are running themselves ragged trying to complete the work of 8 employees with only 3-4 employees. Employees complain that this is unsustainable and management just brushes them off and says everything is fine, they make promises to hire more staff that never materialize or they make vague promises of bonuses for the extra work that they never pay out, then they are surprised when they have high turnover rates. This seems like such a simple concept that to get X output you need Y employees and if you cut the number of employees in half…
Was Invited to put my two weeks in
I worked at this co-op for 7 months. I really liked it and when at work I was told I was doing great. This year my immune system has been not the best so I have had to ask for some sick days. I did that because I work at a grocery store and didn’t want to get people sick. I work with food and package the food, cut it up, etc. Anyways two weeks ago I got a sore throat and my professor told me to take a covid test just in case. I did and I came back positive. I told my university and work. I had to stay home for a week in quarantine getting better. I took proper measures to keep the people in my life safe. However, when I got to work my manager asked me if we could have a talk about attendance. I…