“Raise”: 2% Consumer Price Index data of real increased cost of goods in Sweden January 2022: 3,9% The index measures the average price development for the entire private domestic consumption, the prices the consumer actually pays. The CPI is the most common measure for compensation and inflation calculations in Sweden. Sources: 1. https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/priser-och-konsumtion/konsumentprisindex/konsumentprisindex-kpi/ (my translation) 2. https://www.riksbank.se/sv/penningpolitik/inflationsmalet/inflationen-just-nu/ Conclusion: The average worker without investment gains to cover the loss of purchasing power eats less in 2022, and they have the fucking audacity to call it a raise. I am fuming.
Just a thought
If an employer criticizes you for not being a team player, tell them this… “It is not my job as the employee to convince you, the company I work for, I am part of the team. It is YOUR job to convince me that I WANT to be part of the team”
Just read a story on BBC News about a guy that created a design firm on line, all meetings held over zoom, etc. Employees all around the world, making promises to sponsor people for migration visas sp they could come and work in the London office, etc. One problem, a significant number of people on the calls didn't exist, they were using stolen pictures, stolen work testimonies (along with some wholly made up). Only came to light when someone got suspicious and checked the street address of the London office.
Found another one.
You think taxes are theft
If this country is going to tie insurance to work, then ALL jobs should give affordable insurance. No matter how many hours you work. Across the board.
Banks and financial institutions are not there to help the working class. People need to remember this.