
33 years old with very little work experience: should I accept the deal, or kill any opportunity for a career?

Hello you guys, I hope you're doing alright. Here's the problem: -I live in Western Europe (in a “first world country”) -32 years old, I'll turn 33 in August. -got a bachelor's degree and a master's degree (finished the MA at 27 years old) -was diagnosed with asperger's syndrom when I turned 30 -Was unemployed the last 5 years as it's tough to keep a job when you're an spie, I've tried 3 different jobs during that time but was only able to keep them for a couple months (each) My resume has a giant gap, and let's be completely honest: being 33 years old with barely any experience is a big red flag, even more in a market where it's tough as hell to get a job. I finally get rid of my depression, but now that I've gotta start a career somehow, it would be extremely tough to…


Remember your time is worth more to them than their own. ASK for that pay rise, reduceD working hours or promotion..

Yup, employers and managers produce nothing, you're the one that produces. As the chain goes upwards, your time and your worth is much more valuable than their own.


Belgium formally introduces four day week and creates right for employees to ignore bosses after hours


How business leaders and religious leaders conspired to bust unions and generally make the USA a shitty country for employees


a recruiter feels intimidated by competent people-_-


Big fan of how the qualifier for the pay rate is snuggled into the list of benefits


Most companies want your soul, too


Dodge vs Ford The original battle of shareholders vs stakeholders shows the route of paying more so people can buy more/not die isn’t protected by law…


No degree = less pay for same work??

TW= this is a very privileged post to make. TLWR=found out I was making less money for the same work as others because I didn’t have a degree. After a pretty long time in the military I left and landed a job in the civilian sector as a project manager for a construction company. I was hired on despite not having a bachelors degree because a friend recommended me. After a few months a had developed friendships with a number of other coworkers and we would get beers after work etc. One night I discovered I was making 20k less than everyone else (92k vs 112k). I also had more projects than anyone (both in value and number). I was given 72 projects to work and everyone else has no more than 50. I was a little surprised but I agreed to my salary and they agreed to theirs. However,…


Calling in Sick

Does anyone else think having to call in every day you feel/are sick is stupid? I've recently developed covid symptoms and have an icky sounding cough. It's not an every second cough but when it hits, it can leave me coughing for a few minutes. Does my employer really want to hear me go through that? Also, i work in retail and i'm hopefully doing a pcr today but even if it isn't covid, no way in hell do I feel comfortable going into work with this cough. I also know customers and my colleagues wouldn't feel comfortable bcs who would? I hate retail.