
Tomorrow is National Supermarket Employee Day! Urge your local supermarkets to increase wages and benefits!


Ghosted by the interviewer then I get this email


The audacity in this one.


An extreme injustice… Please blow this up! They completely screwed this guy over.


Anyone have some “spare time on their hands” to translate 300 pages for free?


Are the Mods seriously deleting posts that make people “too sad?”

If a thread on just how dim the prospect of retirement is makes people that upset, maybe we should be talking about it more.


Anyone else put fake experience and fake jobs on their resumes? Has it worked for you?


I’m calling in on my last few days and I don’t care

I have 2 more days at my toxic, manipulative job. I'm going to call in, and screw them over because that's all they've done to me in the last 3 years I've worked for them. I'll take the extra long weekend before starting my new job which will make me 10 times happier.


Don’t care what work I’m doing anymore, just need it to be unionized. How do?

I'm 30 and cynical enough now that I don't really give a damn whether I feel like I'm making the world a better place at work anymore. I just want union protection. What the hell options might I have in the South to make a slim living – preferably ones that don't require unpaid apprenticeships or taking out loans for a degree and aren't wildly unfriendly if you're not a man e.g. electrical? I know we're all here concluding “THERE ARE NO F*CKING OPTIONS” but there has to be something… Right??? I don't have kids, my spouse is in the trades, we're not planning on buying a home. Shouldn't that give me some kind of flexibility since I can take less pay?? Background: I'm a public health student, so ofc I'd rather work in anything plausibly related – but a public health bachelor's is something I'm happy to have even…


I quit my nightmare job.

After over a year of dealing with horrible hours, a schedule that we didn’t know until the day before, staffing shortages, so much drama between managers and employees, and more, I finally quit. I had my eyes set on a different employer. I applied and was hired. I can’t believe just how much different (in a god way) this place is. Both locations are dealing with a lot of the same issues, like being short staffed and dealing with COVID, but the way my new place is handling the problems is better in every way. And on top of that, I’m being paid more, have much better benefits, and have a set schedule. Please don’t sell yourself short. Employers can treat you better. And if they don’t, then they don’t deserve you or your time.