
To buy materials/parts to repair and upgrade himself so he can continue his job as a bounty hunter – his life is an endless cycle of working for money that allows him to continue to work – much like a lot of us


thought this belongs here: the war reveals that we are just pawns for corporations


Shelter is a human right


This sub has become a BS complaint space for easily fixed problems damn it!

((RANT)) I am directly my yuck towards the American people in this sub. Damn near every situation posted to this sub can be solved by FIXING your resume, looking for a new job while you have a job, get the new job, then leave your abusive ass place of employment. Or, anonymously report your employer to the Department of Labor using the shitty emails, and the shitty hand written postings that your employer put on a wall. Or, have a friend pretend to be customer that “accidentally came across” one of the shitty abusive new rules that the dumb ass manager thumb tacked to a wall. That friend can go HARD on twitter, yelp, the local new station, their suppliers, their vendors, the local church, fliers on every car in town, the cars at the local hospital, etc to expose the abuse. Oh I almost forgot… If you are struggling…


I learned it from you!


Delusional Employers Man

I’m going to paraphrase a text exchange I just had with a former employer. A little backstory: Here are just a few highlights from the past five years of my life. Found a job listing on an industry specific website with a vague description, no mention of compensation, and a very strongly worded prerequisite for any who dare to heed the call: No lying. Embarrassingly, I actually liked the idea of a falsehood-free workplace. having found myself countless times on the receiving end of, shall we say, strategically redacted truths and or bold faced lies from coworkers and employers alike. Doubly embarrassing that it took me a few years to uncover what I now understand to be one of a few universal laws of human behavior: We project our own shortcomings on to other people, because we incorrectly assume that everyone behaves like we do when no one is watching…


Seeking advice regarding quitting

Looking for if there could be any potential repercussions my employer could use against me for not giving '2 weeks notice' as I am employed full time. I have scaresly any paid time off saved up as I've been off due to covid and returning is very off-putting due to having time to look around for better employment. I currently have a new job already confirmed through a friend so I don't need a reference from my current employer. Curious as I have no doubt they would make my last two weeks as taxing and unbearable as possible and I wouldn't mind skipping out on that entirely as I have 0 intention of returning to this company after I leave, thanks


Had to take a day off what’s a good excuse to keep my job?

Had to take a day off so I've said I have a family emergancy, if they quiz me on it what should I say? Can't afford to lose my job but had to take today off.


Why are screenshots exclusively allowed on Sundays only?

Who made this rule without consulting us first and why?


Possibility of ‘ghosting’ my employer

Seeking help! I am considering this option as I have mild-moderate anxiety and the thought of handing in a resignation to my employer is making me feel Ill. That and the combination of the management being total douches and would attempt to decline my resignation like they have done to some of my previous co-workers. I am technically full time yet I have never signed a contract stating that I am and my roster is sent to me via texts on a daily basis. With that in mind would it be viable for me to call HR/payroll, state my name and resignation and subsequently block all phone numbers work could contact me on and begin with my new job or could this potentially backfire? Thanks