
Antiwork shower thought

I just had a thought. When companies spend money on break rooms, cafeteria, food for the office or “other incentives other than pay increase,” what they are really doing is gambling that those expenses will be less than actually giving you a pay increase. Bonus: You spend more time at work decreasing your own pay rate and maximizing the potential of a fixed cost.


Insane and corrupt manager insults me in front of the entire workplace

I am having a very, very bad day. I generally believe I have thick skin but today's events really got to me. I recently began some part-time work at a fast-food place, and was given little training, but I got stuck into it and thought I was going at a decent pace, I was making a few mistakes here and there, but again, I thought it was going well. Later, i'm pulled aside and told that I need to hurry up and get it right, that no more mistakes would be tolerated. Well, if the company had given me enough training to begin with, and didn't have to learn by myself, it'd be a lot easier! I was a bit agitated, but shrugged it off – as I went to leave, I catch him complaining and laughing about me to the entire workplace – and then talking about how he…


Getting fired without getting fired

Company I work for told us (8 employees) yesterday that we will be switched from salary to hourly next month (one week) with no plan to schedule anyone for hourly work. To be clear, they have no work for us and no plans on generating work. I've worked there for 5 years. I wish they would at least lay me off so I could get unemployment. The reasoning was to keep us as employees so we could still have health insurance, but I would rather have money to pay rent and put food on the table.


When r/antiwork collides with my hobby.

I got into the aquarium hobby over the past year, and it's been rough, it's a lot harder work than most people would imagine. There is a stigma in the aquarium community (just check over at r/Aquariums) where big chain stores like PetCo and PetSmart that sell aquariums and fish have staff there have *NO* idea what they are doing and are beyond incompetent and in being so, are promoting animal cruelty through misinformation. That wasn't true for the PetCo I went to, the manager there had been an aquarium keeper veteran for 20 years, there were two others in the department with equal or more experience (one was a young lady who's father was an aquarium keeper and she upheld that tradition), needless to say, these people were exceedingly knowledgeable and I learned a lot from them. I come in one day to buy some more supplies and see…


Soon no one will be able to buy a house and most would barely be able to afford rent.

Homelessness is on the rise, if the housing and rental market stay at this rate with no change then it'll only get worse from here. What are some thoughts on what the ppl or the gov can do to drive the prices down?


New Job & PTO

I have a week long vacation coming up in May (already approved PTO at my current job) and am working with recruiters looking for a new job. Should I let them (recruiter, or potential new employer) know it would be best for me to start after my vacation, or do you think it would be ok to have a week off at a new job?


What is this cringy shit?

​ ​ Don't know if this belongs here but I received this weird ass survey after getting off a customer service call with a company. What does this mean? Is it code for how well they did on the call like stars or something? Do they get a monetary bonus equal to coffee/ lunch/product or actual coffee? Is product supposedly better than lunch? I mean, supposed they sold bagged up dog shit? Is this CSR supposed to eat 10 lunches or 20 coffees a day? They guy was great and I basically typed that in freehand but wtf is that all about? I have never seen that before.


Article: 6 Signs Of A Toxic Job You Can Spot During Your Interview

A short list of what too look for… Pretty handy. Read full text here:


Companies understand what they need to do…

There's no delusion or confusion or misunderstanding anywhere. They know they need to raise wages immediatly. It's simple: the people making those decisions don't have to worry if their company fails. We're in a highly monopolized economy so there's little threat of competition. Even if these companies do collapse they will take their severance pay and just go elsewhere. That's it. That's all there is to it. WE are not real people to them. We're office equipment. Period.


Nothing is more important than the profit margin of the London landlord
