I was cc'd accidentally into an email from my manager to higher ups trying to get permission not to pay an employee over time. I've previously been denied or not paid the full amount of overtime because of bullshit excuses (after chasing it up) despite not being able to leave some days until certain work is done. One time a co-worker and I worked the same hours and they were approved over time and I was not. They ended up getting less than an hours pay. I fucking knew it. I knew someone was screwing our overtime. I'm so pissed.
This is depressing. True but depressing.
You would think that I would deserve a fair promotion; want to move ahead but the boss won't seem to let me. I swear sometimes that man is out to get me. They let you dream just to watch them shatter. You're just a step on the boss man's ladder. But you got dreams he'll never take away… It could be our damn anthem at this point.
Had an interview today and one of the unanswerable questions they gave were “When was the last time you were late?” Instead of give the typical ‘I’m never late’ answer I told them how recently I woke up to my kitchen covered in ants and I was a few minutes late because I didn’t want to leave it for my wife and kid to wake up to. I emphasized how I clearly communicated with my current boss and how I believe that open communication is best since sometimes shit happens. The interviewer went into a rant saying “what do you think they were going to do eat your house? I don’t care about your personal problems. If you were on my job and that was the excuse you gave me I would kick you off immediately”. I was honestly speechless and didn’t know what to say. This is why no…
Y’all didn’t vote for Bernie now we here
Disappointed in all y’all.
Tax the rich
Virtual Labor Organizing
You just can not put lipstick on a pig.
It is animal cruelty.
Like the title says. What the hell are all these posts actually doing for us? Are the people of this community actually making a difference? Or will our voice not matter like so many other parts of the internet? How is this community different?