
Had a second interview set up for this morning. I never said I had any uncertainty about where I’d be after October… He never responded back when I clarified that I’d be interested in a long term position.


Thomas More Knew 500 Years Ago.


Theory: those “we appreciate you” crap gifts are far deeper than you think

From a crumpled bag of M&M’s from two Halloween’s ago that the boss found in his back closet, to a bottom barrel coffee mug that will give you cancer if you drink out of it: every step of the corporate ladder KNOWS that it is utter BS. The true reason ( I think ) is to justify idle billable hours. Mabey the heads/bosses booked a dinner, and are using this discussion as an excuse of a “ meeting” on company dollar. Mabey they dileberately spent hours passively talking about which “thank you gift” saves them .001 if a penny per gift. These gifts are simply a vector to pad how many hours the heads “worked”. Either to justify why they are such “hard workers” or to justify another “ well earned bonus for company commitment”


Nanny family having me come in when they had Covid.

I’m a nanny and the entire family tested positive less than a week ago for Covid. I know their two kids went to school the following Monday, which I understand. But they also expected me in. When I got there the grandmother said that her daughter wasn’t back at work because she wasn’t supposed to be but rather running errands. When I picked up there oldest from school he kept yelling he had Covid but wasn’t contagious. The mother got home early and said she still wasn’t feeling well. And to top it all off not of this was communicated to me before hand and none of them wore a mask. Even though the cdc 5 day isolation guidelines were met, some family members seemed to have symptoms, and they wanted me in their home where they have been sick for a week. I guess I’m just feeling frustrated. I’m…


I appreciate you guys so much

Since being in this subreddit I’ve found my appreciation and compassion for workers increasing exponentially. I am fortunate that I am self employed. But I stand in solidarity with you because I’ve been there for sure. I share your outrage and vision for a better word. My wife and I are traveling this week and I am so appreciative of the hospitality staff. I see them and all they’re doing in ways that I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t before. Thank you antiwork for helping me to be a better man and strive for a better world.


This is a great look into the follies of pursuing profit over a tangible societal benefit, and a look into the perspective of the aspiring capitalist. To Ram Dass, as much as he can articulate the errors in their logic, he also sees so clearly that it’s a game to them.


Back to the office….

So they are sending us back to the office part time. The position I work, they encourage us to NOT leave our desk to help people, just sort the tickets and work them as they come in. Been working from home since March 2020 with no issues what so ever and the work has even been applauded by the agency. Their reason for us to go back into work? “To see your faces again” yet we don't even leave the desks ….. What the fuck. Me and a co worker have to drive about 40 minutes and then we are expected to pay for parking which is about 12 dollars a day with my supplement. Fucking BS.


Told I couldn’t quit until I found my own replacement

This happened a few years ago, at a college summer job. I was working as an expedite in the kitchen of a German bar in a college town. First off, this was my second job, and easily the worst job I ever had. I was paid 10$ an hour, and only got tipped out a handful of times (and only from the one cool bartender). As expedite I would do everything from prep food, wash dishes, and even serve customers on a regular basis. All the servers walked home with 300-500 a night, without tipping me out. However, the worst part of the job was the management. One specific manager would constantly yell at everyone, push you out of the way, spray me in the face with degreaser, throw ketchup on me, and yell at me for practicing safe food handling procedures like washing my hands. In fact, he would…


My Employer is Trying to Have 50 Hours of Unpaid Training

Is this legal? We are based in Georgia. I work a commission based job and they’re trying to have us do six 8 hour days training with some guy that’s been in sales for decades, COMPLETELY UNPAID. So not only will I be going unpaid for close to 50 hours, I’ll be losing out on the potential income I would’ve made with leads that day. Any help is appreciated


I make more money delivering pizzas than working in healthcare.

I’m a certified MA and I can’t even find a job. I make more money delivering pizzas(around 4K a month)than testing people for COVID( they get paid between 13-18 an hour). I’m tired of people on Reddit and mainstream news saying there’s a shortage of workers but no one is willing to hire or train you.