
has anyone worked a craigslist concert event for Bryan Pauley in Ohio.

please dm me if you have


Does paychex log your IP?

30 years ago I’d be on salary. I’m doing pretty well compared to a lot of what I see on the sub but I still know I’m being exploited as far as what I make vs what I bring in


People just don’t want to work anymore. Wonder why?


What is on your NSFW bucket list?

Inspired by


I wish things could be different

My Job has changed to something I absolutely hate. I used to be content, but things have just taken a turn. The president is a bully and insane. Cracked down on the salaried people, especially the women (meaning me) for having “flexible schedules” even though that's what the job originally advertised. I worked 6-8 hours a day depending on the day and got all of my work done. I took 1 sick day due to a migraine and he yelled at me over text, demanding I figure out a way to document it then and there, instead of asking the CEO to formulate such a policy. And this situation is only one instance. He called me a thief and a cheat for it. The CEO is also incompetent at his job. The whole hour issue meant they are now demanding 8 full hours despite efficiency. He said because people see…


Injured and company charging me for premiums I didn’t ask them to pay.

Long-time listener, first-time caller. I've tried asking elsewhere but didn't get any info, so I figured I'll try here. I was injured at work about 8 months ago, short story: my work was too cheap to have some maintenance done by a professional and decided to lie to me and almost kill me over $100-200. Since then, I've seen what evil companies are capable of. Last week I received an email from the president of my company in “lawyer-esque” wording asking if I'm quitting or intending to return to my old position (I'm not likely to make a full recovery from my injury and I'm sure they want to be off the hook for my injuries). They're trying to play the “you haven't contacted us directly so that may result in voluntary dismissal” card. This is awful because I do keep them updated with my workability status, but I'm mot…


Ghosting > Quitting


UK gov’t decides students should be debt slaves until retirement.


How should I respond?

I interviewed for a job in November. Two rounds. No feedback. Didn't follow up because I'm pretty comfortable where I am. Also the manager was 15 minutes late to the first interview and I could tell he wouldn't be pleasant to work for. Since then I have seen them re-post the role twice on LinkedIn. One of their “Talent Acquisition Specialists” just contacted me with a generic “we think you'd be great for this role” message. Usually I would ignore this but I feel it's worth mentioning that this company sells HR/Recruiting software. Clearly it's not a great product. Looking for some creative responses.


Xmas party in March spared no expenses!