
If you can’t pay your employees enough, then your business gets to fail. That’s capitalism. Free market, baby!


If we don’t wanna get mocked…

Maybe if this subreddit want to not get mocked anymore we shouldn't be so incredibly left wing and saying everything is racist or hateful you can't even have a frog as profile picture in the discord for crying out loud they will ban you. How can a subreddit be taken seriously when they fully believe a frog is a racist Nazi hate symbole


Replaced by Immigrants

So I’ve worked at a golf course for over 2 years and have been laid off the past 2 years during the winter season. This year, we were all placed in a group message and let know we were being let go because the golf course was approved for an H2B program. We were also made aware that this was something that they have been wanting for a while, which was never mentioned. In fact, my “boss” told us each year that he was working for a higher wage for us. I was just being strung along and lied to. This feels so wrong and borderline illegal. I’ve literally just been trying to get a job at amazon and even they won’t get back to me.


Part Time With Full Time Hours

I've been watching the sub for a while. Finally have something to post about, maybe. So a while back I had a job I actually kind of enjoyed, mostly because of the people. And it was pretty laid back. But I made nothing because I live in a federal minimum wage state. Luckily I live near the NY border and I got a job at a larger warehouse as a case selector. Selectors have to pick at a certain rate to stay employed, I unfortunately could never meet the rate. Turns I like taking my time to do things too much. So they put me in sanitation which still paid okay but was boring. So I went and got yet another job, which is where my issue is. The first red flag was when they hired me and only told me my wage would be close to 15, more than…


What’s your opinions on work placement

Im currently carrying out my work placement for college. Its 12 weeks 9-5.30 unpaid. Previous student dropped out and they begged him to stay for another 4 weeks so they could get someone to cover him. I got trained in for a day and now I carry out a department by myself. They get 3/4 students every year and they rely on getting them and use them as free labour. Doesn't really help with experience as I'm carrying out the same experiment all day rather than getting experience with multiple types of lab work.


My contract isn’t got extended for another year.

My contract didn't got extended cause the last month i had a conflict with a co-worker. I forget once to show up at work. While i'm always perfectly on time. My co-workers mostly go away earlier when i have shift. That night i wass late and solved with the working collegeaus. A week later i worked a night. In the morning another co-worker came in and the first thing he said wass. You where to late, you have to show 100% responsibility etc. It pissed me a lil off, cause i'm always on time and with that i mean always. No they dont extend my contract cause my response. Besides at my teamday somebody gave me a plus for always being on time. And a – for looking better at my schedule. Is this normal or just toxic af?


Le Bruh Momento


I think I wrote the Antiwork Bible 8 years ago. I was going through some shit back then and had to get it out. Don’t buy it, just letting you all know.


In order for any applicant to be considered for employment at this small business, you must be willing to comply with the following…If you object to these polices please do not apply.


Exploitation is inescapable. That time a fandom event basically told people to work for them by giving cosplayers a week to make two videos to give the company free content and say that the prize is being used in a product they’re making.