
found this post over on r/mademesmile, I can’t cross post buy you guys would have a field day over this shit.


Data released by the US Government’s Accountability Office found more than 4000 workers in Amazon’s fulfilment centres across America rely on food stamps to survive


“Fuck you, got mine”


Thats how it works!


And you can afford to pay fair share of taxes


Ridiculous management rule regarding chairs at my job (cellphone store)


I’m a new Poster; I brought you an offering!


I interviewed for a job where the recruiter had told me the salary. Been offered the job £7k less, and company called direct to ask my current salary.

I’ll try to keep it short. I like the job I have now and wasn’t looking. It’s a niche role working in legal and IT. A recruiter contacted me with an amazing opportunity for £40k. I was interested as this would be a significant pay rise that would make leaving my current job a little easier. Went through the interview process successfully. The same day the company called me directly asking me certain questions including salary. I’m always told to lie about this but they caught me off guard and I hate lying about it anyway. Now they’ve offered me the job but far lower than advertised (£33k) and the only thing that’s changed is learning my current salary. They had no doubts about my experience in interview. I don’t need the job but it would be a good opportunity. But this seems a huge red flag to be lowballed…


We’re pro truckers here!



Ok I really need to vent

So today, I found out that we are having mandatory overtime….I’m pissed for several reasons. 1) we ran out of supplies for my specific area and they had us cross training. It took a long time to just get the supplies. (This is more of a frustration) 2) so many people got approved time off for long periods of time so it ended up short staffing us 3) I started studying courses on top of this full time job as I need a way out of this job. So I have very little time as it is on top of doctor appointments, personal time (not much tbh), etc 4) my boss asking me what I had going on when I said I can’t make it to the mandatory time. I truthfully don’t think I have to explain but I did out of courtesy. I’m really hoping I don’t have to…