My friend has had a steady job that she's loved for years. Recently, she made a harassment claim against an immediate supervisor. In (probable) retaliation, they have cut her hours to zero. She's considered on unpaid leave. They won't outright fire her, but they won't let her work, either. She works in Nebraska. What options does she have? She doesn't want to quit because of unemployment, but she's not earning anything atm anyway.
Manager called and texted during day off
My manger called me and I ignored it. Then texted me telling me to contact him. I have no idea what he could possibly want. I only work there around 3 days a month. He gave me no context in the message. Is this unprofessional? I feel like if you need to contact me outside of work hours I should be emailed.
I’ve been struggling to find work, and my dad suggested applying where he works. Not really interested in working with him, but I applied. I had a phone interview and today they want an in person interview. Aside from the fact that I would be working with my dad, it’s 9 hours a day all on my feet, over 20 miles away and no AC which would be brutal come summer time. What does this sub think?
QEHS manager is putting a former colleague of mine KNOWINGLY in danger of ill health. He suffers with diabetes and high blood pressure, and they wanted him to work rotating shifts 6am – 2pm, 2pm – 10pm, 10pm – 6am. He had consultation with his doctor who told him under no circumstances should he work nights, workplace QEHS says we'll get occupational health to do an assessment as second opinion, they agreed with doctors' advice. QEHS manager says we're going to ignore all advice, he's to work the three shifts. This is the UK, I told him to leave and lodge constructive dismissal case. His contract is for mornings and afternoons only, they want to change contract.
Widespread strikes descend on California
I have Crohn’s
My boss told me today to use another bathroom because people complain about “the smell”. No one has ever came up to me and said, “You stink.” I clean the bathrooms at my job as I figure I should, I figure I commit the most atrocities in there, but my cave is a lot less stained than everyone else's. I usually spend about 3 minutes going poo, much less than my coworkers and maybe that's just because it's usually a liquid that explodes from me. Anyways, am I justified in being mad at my boss? Should I just feel like a disease-ridden pig?
I called out of work today
And I can't help but feel really guilty now. I am full time and I just wanted a day off. I don't have any more PTO (we get 5 days per year and I've already used it up) so I will be out the 8 hours of pay and that was probably a stupid thing to do. But idk, I just really didn't want to go to work but now I feel like a total piece of shit because I'm just a home watching TV and browsing the internet and doing nothing. I don't have money to do anything anyway but should I feel this terrible about skipping work? We have been really really slow and I'm all caught up on my work and stuff. I just feel stupid for missing out on the money for a day of being lazy. Reassurance wanted please lol