
Told to leave early after giving my notice.

Hello, I recently had to resign from my job because I could not afford to live in the area anymore (SC, USA). I moved to this area for this job, but the same time I moved, the cost of living in this county over doubled. The wages remained the same as 2019 amounts (which were still low)… I told my company (after 8 months) that I would have to leave because they weren't paying me enough to even cover my bills. I was basically told to pound sand. This was my first job since getting my degree. Anyway, I put in my two week notice, and then after one week they said I wasn't needed anymore. I told them I really need to work until my notice date, and they said sorry, we can't have you being unproductive (there was plenty for me to do. my boss is just lazy…


Dana on Fighter Pay – “ “It’s never gonna happen while I’m here.”


Is this illegal? For context, in a restaurant in New Jersey. Thanks appreciate any advice I can get for my coworkers and I!


Management hid the cameras in the lights so they do less of their job


Apparently, my GM thinks that I’m the reason people leave.


Preemptively Busting Unions


If you didn’t want to be poor you should’ve been born rich


Capitalism Ruined my Dream Job

Here's the story of how capitalism ruined me as an artist. I grew up with a deep appreciation of all art. My parents steeped me in it! I played musical instruments, wrote poetry and prose, drew, painted, sculpted, and all with joy and reverence! The world told me I could be anything when I grew up, so I decided to pursue a creative career. I ended up being a fairly successful graphic designer. I was good! Still am. And, while I was never rich, I made a better living than the rest of my art school friends. Thought that was something to be proud of, too. Success after art school is rare. The thing is, the longer I did it, the more cynical I grew. I spent decades learning, not only just learning the subjective talents of an artist, but the objective qualities of good design. I learned how humans…


That means 74% DON’T regret it, SMH


Took a 1 week holiday, boss decides he can do without me.

I've been at this company since 2016, an order picking/packing warehouse, and since 2019 I've been the supervisor of a team of 3. A month ago I decided I needed a week off, I don't normally take time off because when we're down to 3 workers for more than a few days we start to fall behind. But I hadn't had any time off since last year so I deserved it. Notified the boss months in advance and all was well. Made sure before I went that everything was stocked and organised so my guys wouldn't fall behind. First Monday of my week off I get a text, one of my guys got covid and would be off for a week, and they were the only person besides me who can legally operate the forklift. So now the team was halved and nobody could move heavy stock around or load…