Literally screamed at
A supervisor screamed at a worker in the most hostile tone possible infront of everyone (everyone went quiet) because the worker did something that could’ve caused himself an injury, was that handled properly or what?
Too close to the truth
He just stood there staring open-mouthed as I got the lads to help me load my toolboxes into my car. There isn't a shortage of skilled workers, there's a shortage of people willing to put up with shit pay, shit bosses shit everything. I spent 20+ years as a mechanic and now mow lawns and occasionally pick fruit. Yeah fuck that guy. Sometimes the people that complain of lack of workers are the same ones who make us leave. That's what I have to say about that.
From my local Jimmy John’s.
I applied and even interviewed for a finance/accounting job in July 2021. I applied to a lot of jobs and took a different one. I'm not down for begging for job follow up. I got an email today that the job has been filled. It's October 2022. Jerks say no one wants to work no more, well I say no one wants to hire any more! Love my current job and it actually pays more than the finance one would've.