Saboteurs (2022)
Some art I made that people here might understand
This is beyond F***ing rediculus…
At my job, whenever there’s no manager or supervisor for the day, they pick one of the regular employees to run the team. For several months they would pick me and a couple of other veterans to run our team whenever this would happen, and around two months ago they promoted our supervisor to salary without picking someone to start immediately. So for a month I was doing the job of a manager almost everyday under the impression and being essentially gaslighted on my odds of replacing said manager. I know, I shouldn’t of allowed them to exploit me, but they basically forced it on me almost everyday. They then denied me the position due to the simple fact they did not want to promote from within the department. Which really means I had no odds of getting it whatsoever. So ever since, whenever there’s a day without a supervisor,…
Is this common?
I will very shortly relate my experience with work and then please tell me if you can realte, i really want to know how common this actually is and how do you feel about it. I am not supporting the current work fields in their majority, it is unfair for the average worker and it is obvious. That being said I dont really intend to work my ass off at any job I will have unless it is necesarry for some extreme reason I cannot avoid. Right now I am pretty young with no big responsabilities so I am not in a position to do so, and I really do not. That is my actual point, there are weeks where i basically dont do any work at all, i avoid it at any cost and I delay it as much. There are weeks in which I cant do that, for…