
Looking for a ‘how to disrupt workplace’ document

A month or so ago someone posted about a document from the 70’s (maybe then? Could be a different time) that was all about disrupting the workplace and slowing things down. Might of been a manifesto? Can anyone point me in this direction?


My first summer vacation as an adult feels 100% natural

Kind of a weird post, and I hope it doesn't come off as gloating. I'm in my mid-30's, spent most of my adult life in a corporate job, and this past year I started teaching. I honestly didn't really think much about summer vacation one way or another, but as it approached, I just kept thinking about how strange it would feel, that maybe I'd get bored, have some kind of existential crisis, etc. But it's here, and it feels… natural. I don't feel bored, but I also don't feel elated. I just feel like I'm in a natural state. It's caused me to further reflect on the role that work plays in our lives. I do think it's acceptable that we all play some role in keeping society functional (though I don't like how, under capitalism, it's exploitative at worst, subjugative at best). But what I don't think is…


Work wanting to fire my girlfriend

So, my girlfriend has been working for an autism clinic for 5 months… They were supposed to provide health insurance after 3 months; a probationary period. Her boss decided to leave for an entire month to travel through out Europeon month 3, and “forgot” to sign my girlfriend up for their insurance… She has a possible embolism in her leg that has been traveling up from her leg. Could possibly be a bad infection…. Either way, she cant walk that well. She handles Autistic children, which can take major physical toll. She got a doctors note from a minor med who referred her to a specialist, but without an insurance card, her payments could be in the thousands… She literally just got signed up for insurance (8/1/2022) but has yet to been assigned a PCP. When her boss got back from traveling Europe, for an entire month…. she finally “got…


Description of capitalism and socialism for whom it may concern.

Capitalism is a system in which the worker generates value through their labor, value which covers their wages, cost of materials, and other businesses expenses. For a business to be successful, the value generated by the worker must exceed the business expenses. This excess value is known as profit, all of which is claimed by the employer, simply because they were responsible for the initial investment in the business. In short, the worker generates value with their labor, said value is claimed by the employer, returning only a fraction of this value as wages, keeping the majority as profits. Under this system, the worker labors only to make others rich, they only ever see a fraction of the value that they bring to the business. Socialism calls for businesses to be owned by the workers who run them, sharing profits and controlling the business through democratic vote. This system eliminates…


After two interviews, being told I was more experienced than the other two BAs, to lookout for an offer letter email/onboarding email by last Friday & to start this past Tuesday. I receive this email. At the end of the workday on Tuesday. I emailed twice since Friday after not receiving offer letter


I didn’t know there was a movement behind this

Ever since I was 16 years old in high school and being told I could do anything I wanted as long as I applied myself (to a bunch of soul sucking, not interesting, eat shit from superiors, positions) Well I quit community college and I started blowing glass. I had to drive and moved to Delaware into someone's house who was being foreclosed on and file bankruptcy for them to get a year of housing at a place I can blow glass in the garage at so that I could practice enough to sell. Then with perfect timing my dad was fired from corporate America (pharmaceuticals) for no reason other than the fact that he doesn't think work is life either. This is after over 20 years with the company no pension nothing. He strong-armed them with a lawyer and they gave him health insurance for a year to make…


How to steal tips from your waitstaff…


How does “I need a third job so I don’t lose my home and end up in the street” sound?


“Detailed oriented partnered with a sense of urgency.” Is quite possibly the biggest red flag I’ve ever seen.


*cries in a fast paced environment*