Air Quality
I work in a food truck and the air quality in my area will be really bad. Do I call in? My boss said I could take yesterday off if the smoke bothered me. I knew it would, so I took him up. Blegh. I want to go back to working indoors.
So a little bit of background info. At my current job I've had a habit of showing up 5 minutes late to work. Apparently that's too much time or something. Usually I show up on time but sometimes it's just not possible. Anyways I've been looking for a new job that pays more. Currently make $17/hr which pays the bills but not for much else. Well just found out I have an interview on Monday for it. So I put in requests for time off so I could go. Well my manager comes and asks why I put in the request. I tell him I'm currently looking for a new job and was going to let him know so he can find a replacement for me and I can help train them. Apparently that's not an ok thing to do because he tells me that they no longer want me…
My daily dose of capitalist propaganda
I’m sick of this corporate BS. Now I have to make up a bad thing about my coworker who I really like.
Abolish Point Based Attendance Policy
I don’t care if this message gets acknowledged or not but it’s time to stop basing attendance on a bullshit point system. We need a workers uprising, drastically, and getting rid of points based anything needs to go.
So, my manager (37M) and I (31F) are looking to hire a coordinator to help us with the admin work in our department. HR sent us a bunch of CVs to look at and choose from. My manager told me to start with only keeping girls who are between the age of 20 – 24 and discard the rest. His reason for female: because females are less likely to jump to a better job opportunity. His reason for age: because they have more job stability and won't leave in a year. I told him that I don't agree with that. On one hand, you can find people in their 20s jumping from one job to the other in less than a year, and you can find someone in their 40s or even 60s who are happy enough staying in the same position for years to come. I told him that…