What happens when in a few weeks the loan payment is due and you can’t afford groceries again? Then you either pay the loan and go hungry or get slapped with a late fee. Scummy and predatory.
Hot off the presses – and unpaid part-time job! Unbelievable.
Good recording devices?
Yes I'm in a single party consent state for recording conversations. One question about that. If it's the boss addressing the shift in a meeting, does it count if I haven't said anything? (I know reddit isn't a lawyer but you guys provide good resource links and minimal rickrolls) Boss is getting weird, making contradictory statements one after the other, claiming we're not union so we don't need certain things. So: What features do I need on a recorder I intend to leave in my pocket? Does anyone have a good suggestion?
I’m the type of worker who goes by the book and gets everything done efficiently and on time. I have no time for bullshit and office politics so I don’t make friends at work. I don't care about this people. I'm here to work and for the money and go home. In mid 2021, I took up this job after a gap year. I initially planned to finish my master’s degree but due to covid and lack of motivation I dropped out. (In between looking for jobs, I picked up my hobby as an artist and started working on my portfolio and posting art online.) I was hired as a salaried quality control engineer working 9-5. I have about 4 year experience in this role before and the job itself wasn’t too bad. I’m getting paid at the low end but I don’t really have a choice. I need money…