
My boss is a fucking pervert and I am a survivor of SA and this work environment is really fucking with me

I don’t even know anymore I’m tired of working in such a toxic environment. My boss makes disgusting comments and “jokes” that really trigger me. He’s a predator and I’m in therapy right now dealing with my own issues from past sexual abuse. I’ve also dealt with other employees being very creepy and I just can’t face going there anymore ️


After I said “I got an offer from a big company” to my boss(friend), he said “You’re not ready for a big company”

I'm working for a small company(50 people, my team, IT is about 4) and recently got an offer from a big company(6000+ people, new team, about 80 people). I have known him for 5 years and thought he was my friend more than my boss. I did so many different things for the current company, even though my job title is UX designer. Created the public websites by myself(including all the contents, photos, videos, verbiages, interviews, and server setup)(15+ websites, marketing landing pages, and public websites). Processed audits, and setting up auditing processes, and services. Brand image development. Employee computer set up, fix, Created all the training materials, and gave training sessions. New tech implementations. Office 365 admin. (I'm the only one who knows how to use office 365 admin properly..) Several core operation features with RPA. (I'm the only one who knows how to fix and update..) Being an…


Men’s Kave Barbershop in Astoria. Constantly Insulted in front of customers. Quit and He refused to Pay Me Hours Worked


Had a shooting at gas station I worked for 6 years in January. Company suspended me for saying they don’t care about safety of employees or customers. Just rage quit this weekend because manager canceled my 3 weeks pto so he could take a vacation.


Seattle initiative for universal healthcare


“Why don’t we all take a few weeks off”

This is what the manager at my previous job told me when I requested 2 weeks of paternity leave for my first born child. I never took off more than 2-3 days. I got 4 days of paternity. When I returned to work I started looking for another job while at work using their time. Got a job, turned in my notice, and the same jerk almost started shaking while turning red and said “let me digest this and talk to you later”. Offered me more money, I said nope thanks. Two months later got a call and was offered the manager's position because he quit too. I wonder why…


Frito is what we called him.


I quit my job and now hitchhike across the world with a backpack and budget of about £15 per day. Get to meet amazing people and is way cheaper than living in England.


“We’re a team here”

What does everyone think about the whole “we’re a team here” in the work environment? I get being supportive; but when it comes to them going out of their way to do my job or me going out of my way to do their job, I jus kinda think that’s bs; I feel like we just need to do the job we’re assigned. I also feel like managers take advantage and will push work onto you, using “we’re a team” as an excuse to do so. Kinda falls into the manipulative behavior category as giving a pizza party as a reward, instead of raising the employees wage appropriately imo.


They’d be less profitable selling weed

I show up to work, eight hour shifts (usually, OT is ten hours), and on average we produce hundreds of thousands of dollars in goods every shift. I don't know the exact costs of materials, but I know roughly within a few cents, and let me say, the profit margins for the owner are astronomical. Most days, if we just count the material costs for the day, and labor costs for the whole YEAR, we still come out profitably. Maybe I have to run for two days to make sure annual labor costs are properly accounted for. The other 250 days of work a year? Pure profit after material costs, which again are pennies on the dollar of revenue.