
boss keeps us over 6 hrs with no lunch

so my boss likes keeping everyone past 6 hrs without a lunch on saturdays. we're open 9 to 3 but always stay 15 to 30 min past the 6th hour.. where can I find a free lawyer or something.. and its in ca


Change of “good business person” nomenclature to Ethical/Unethical business person

We should no longer refer to wealthy people, due to their “prosperity” from their business, as good businessmen or women (people). Instead, we should refer to them as ETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS for those who have gained success while helping their employees live a prosperous life (livable wages, benefits, etc. ). In sharp relief to UNETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS who have become grossly wealthy at their employees expense (e.g. Walmart, Amazon).


Y’alls take…

I’m going through metrics at my sales role in which our commissions are determined through points systems. Everything was pretty normal but then I asked how much revenue I brought in for the year and I got a laugh and the response was ‘don’t know, don’t have a way to look that up but we know how much you cost us’ We’re on the spectrum so we’re a little social stupid but help me out I feel like I’m missing something…


I’m not having much luck with jobs lately.


New Found Respect

I've always held a good respect for service workers. Especially those in the fast paced food service industry since many of my family have made a living one time or another do it. I have a new found respect for them. I enjoy cooking and do pretty well with it. So when I was asked if I would cook on the weekends for a fall festival, I didn't hesitate. The money is good and it's cash. I have five items to cook. 2 of them pretty much cook themselves, I just watch them for a bit. The other 3, not so much. You can not think your way out of the weeds doing this, per se. All you can do is try to work your way out. And playing catch up is not a game I like. All I can tell you is I'm tired and have no clue how…


Employer requires class completion to start

Can't edit the title after the fact. It should say Course completion. I thought you guys might like this. Recently moved to a small town. the job prospects are terrible. I landed a job a the manager at a tax preparation company. Instead of paid on the job training, I was signed up for a 6 hour class learning the basics of taxes and in addition would be required to attend a 6 hour class on Saturdays that starts at 7am. The course itself has homework and it takes about 2.5 hours to finish a single chapter. All of this is unpaid. The reward for this is: tax knowledge, part time hours during preseason, and full time hours during tax season at 17/hour as the manager. I was able to withdraw from the 6 hour class and do self study instead. Fuck that shit, it's unpaid. Only because I need…


What action are you taking to improve your situation?

There has been a lot of “woe is me, no one is fixing shit for me” going on here lately so I’m wondering what you are doing to improve your situation? I came across the idea of “proactive apathy” so now, assume no one is helping you, they aren’t gonna help you, it’s up to you to help you.


Please don’t fall for this…

Apparently, this dude found me here in r/antiwork.


Unable to get a part-time job because of my full-time job.

I just want to rant a little bit. I don’t want to get a part-time job but frankly, I don’t make enough at my full-time job. There’s all these places that are hiring for part-time work but none of them want to hire me due to my “lack of flexibility”. I’ve tried applying at places that advertise for shifts that will fit my schedule, but I get turned down again and again. I never want to hear “people just don’t want to work” ever again.


indeed sucks at math..that hourly is not 30% more than $15