
Help putting together a script

I am wanting to put together a script/letter for my boss sol can read to them to kinda force their hand. Monday I will be having a meeting with my bosses and I will be giving them the impression I have had a job offer extended to me with better pay and benefits. I do not, and I know this is a bad idea but I'm in a position if they call my bluff I can still walk away and be financially safe. But I've been promised a promotion for over a year now with a 20k yearly raise. Never received either one only a 2% raise few months back. My direct manager has received multiple promotions and is now in a role requiring him to be in multiple locations and is rarely with my team now. I've been running the department since his new role started and I've yet…


Hurricane inbound but we’re working!


Can someone help me with this boomer?

i’m not the best at defending..


Full-Line Route Sales, can’t do this anymore

I’ve been a full line driver stocking vending machines for Pepsi for about 6 months now. I’ve thought about making a long, drawn out post on here ranting and venting about all the problems I’ve had with it, but I’m just so tired. Don’t even know what to say. I don’t exactly regret doing it because it allowed me to afford my own place better than my old job at a gas station, but I leave at like 5:00 AM don’t even get back until 6:00-9:30 PM at the latest because of the commission pay structure. There’s no cap on the hours, for those of you not familiar. The pay is peanuts for the hours, not to mention it’s manual labor. I struggle with depression and I’m not exactly suicidal right now but I just want to have a life of my own. I can’t plan anything because I never…


feeling left in the dark with a new job

The other day, i went to a hiring event at a local food manufacturing company. I got there and put my name on the sign in sheet and within a minute, someone appeared and took me back to interview. The interview lasted maybe only 5-10 minutes. She didn't specify as to wether i was hired or not but next thing i know she leads me over to some chairs outside some offices. She asks if I have my phone with me and i say yes. She says to go ahead and apply. I do so while another lady magically appears and is like, “are you done yet OP?” I tell her no because the service in the building is awful. Once I'm done applying, I'm rushed into the restroom For a drug test. Once that's done, they sit me by myself in a room in the common area for close…


I’m about to resign next week and I would love to make it funny.

Looking for ideas to quit my fucking corporate meat grinder job, I have 30days notice so I don’t want to make it offensive, just funny. Thank you for your help in advance!


Leaving reviews?

Hi y'all, Is there a website or place besides indeed/Glassdoor that you can leave honest reviews anonymously? I just found out that if an employer wants to find out who left a review all they have to do on Glassdoor is ask them and they'll tell. Trying to just warn others from my other workplaces. Places will stay un-named for safety since the job type circle is small.


Need legal advice. Cannot remove company software from my personal PC

As title states, a job I have since been laid off from, has some Microsoft One Drive still linked with my PC hard drive. I can’t remove it, I have tried all solutions online. It comes back, apparently as long as the connection is being updated on their end, it will always return to my side. The folder takes 7 gigs. What’s odd is that when I delete it, the total being deleted in excess of 1.2 TB. that’s the entire company of files. Regardless, it all comes back and I imagine their business isn’t being affected. I spoke with their IT, handled by an outside company, and we couldn’t find a fix for this. They said they’d get back to me. It’s been a month since I spoke with the IT. I am now considering legal action, as I don’t know WHO has access to my personal PC, there’s…


[Rant] I used to see this subreddit as a place for lazy people who want to do nothing in life. I got my first job few weeks ago, and I am already sick of it.

Here comes my rant, so get comfortable. I used to read this subreddit long time ago, since I started going to college, and always considered it to be toxic. To me, it seemed like a place for lazy people to come and complain about their boss/workplace and so on, while taking no responsibility for their life. Also, I believed it to be a place that attracts left marxists exclusively. And was I wrong. Anyways, I am from one non American country (but developed one!) so please note that social situation, political views and economical reality may differ from what people experience in America. Since I started my education back when I was 6/7 years old, I was considered to be doing great. Without false modesty, I was always the best (or at least in top) among my peers. I was studying hard, always pushing myself, sometimes way more than it…


Equifax Fires Employees for Working Two Jobs