Work hard, save money, invest
Have a budget, be deliberate with your finances and retire really early and then you don’t have to worry about work anymore – unless you want to do it for fun or the experience.
So I booked a 3 week holiday next year, in about 5 months. I’ve just started in a new job from next week, so by the time the holiday comes I’ll still be in my 6 month probation period. I’m scared taking too much annual leave and going into negatives whilst on probation period. How should I go about it?
Both sides of the conversation are me.
For all of us Monday through Friday folks, who’s laughing?
Is it possible to escape the Matrix
As above how can we work to escape ?
TW: Death, and suicide. My boss is super nice, and is usually very caring, but I always felt like she was weirdly attached to me. Her daughter died a few years ago, and she's told me she thinks of me as a daughter. I do lean on her for support often, but that's not the kind of work relationship I want. Last month due to work, and other stressors I had a bit of a mental breakdown, stayed in the hospital, and was out for 3 weeks. In that time I decided that if this job was making me miserable to the point of wanting to die then it was time to leave. I told my boss I was applying, and interviewing at places. I like to keep open, and transparent communication always. She took it well. She said they would miss me, but she understood. But as I've continued…
Another nightmare “mental health day”
Our institution is hosting a “Mental Health Day” which is NOT a day off, but a day where they are providing popcorn, tie dye, coloring sheets, etc. I don’t imagine my supervisor would even let the staff in our office attend as he’s the type of guy who harps on about “work ethic” and how “soft this generation is.” When will employers ever understand we don’t want pizza parties, we just want to be valued and respected? A true mental health day would not require coming to work and trekking halfway across our campus for a bag of popcorn and 15 minutes of Cornhole.