


Why do employers believe they deserve the respect, but the employees do not?


Declaring Bankruptcy on Canada Student Loans

Since the conversation about forgiving student loan debt is heating up, I thought I'd share a website I created on declaring bankruptcy on Canada Student Loans. There's a lot of conflicting info online, so I basically just blogged my experience. This is obviously geographically specific, but I hope it's useful to someone out there: This post was previously removed as it was deemed “off topic.” I hope the Mods can appreciate that under the realm of Anti-Work we should also consider the importance of resisting government institutional pressures that keep people in poverty. If we are Anti-Work, we should also be anti-debt as low wages, precarious labour, and an economic pressures all work together to pacify and alienate us.


Quit my camp counselor job after issues with my boss

Hi, all. This happened a couple months ago, but I feel like sharing. For years, I attended and then volunteered at a local art camp. Once COVID numbers settled down, the camp’s owner offered me a paid summer job. I said yes. Some background on how this camp works: the campers range in age from 6 to 11, though most are on the younger side. The camp’s owner (and by extension, my boss) is a trained artist who does step-by-step drawings with the kids. My job was to lead half of the kids in a craft project while my boss taught the other half. Now, I’d known my boss for many years, both as a camper and volunteer. Her personality was such that she could get very particular and snippy about things, though yelling and outright abuse never occurred. I’d brushed this off as a camper and volunteer, but being…


Don’t want to pay us for training on our days off but it’s going to cost more to do it when we’re on shift.

As a truck driver we have to do mandatory training to be able to work as a driver. 5×7 hour sessions over 5 years to get a new card. It's the driver's responsibility but majority of employers will provide training, some you have to do it unpaid but they pay for the training. If that seems mean the alternative is paying for it yourself and still doing it in your own time . My lot provide the training and pay you to attend. We run a delivery rota where the same runs go out every day. If you work a rest day that's overtime at 1.5x the standard rate. Training on rest days is only paid at normal time, which is fair enough in my book. They're providing a benefit and want it to be cost effective. Asked the trainer when some more will be planned as the recent ones…


I stay in NC and I quit my job without notice yesterday

Today I got a text from my boss saying the won't give me my last paycheck if I don't return the 2 (already used by previous people) chef jackets. Is this legal?


My current work situation


The message badass Jewish bf received after he quit his abusive job at a deli


Do employers have to pay drive time?

Hi, I work a construction job in Canada and was curious if I should get paid for driving. A little breakdown of my day to help better understand my situation: I leave my house at 5am and pick up guys from my company (none of them have licenses) and meet at our company shop for 6am. From there I drive my crew to our job site and arrive at 7am. We work our day till 3pm and head back to the shop, get there around 4pm, then I spend the next hour dropping off guys at their homes and I only get home around 5pm. So my quarrel is with me being gone from home for 12 hours and only getting paid for 8. What can I do about this? I know rules for construction jobs differ but this just seems unfair


Back in Summer of 2020 when I learned the hard way how temps are treated – I had been working for over 8 months as a “temp for hire” when I got laid off due to COVID lockdowns. By the time I was rehired, I was suffering from early twin pregnancy complications (hyperemesis gravidarum)