Is everyone a Democrat in here?
Yes I realize you might identify as a socialist, communist, or what have you, but you are a registered Democrat correct?
Recently got my first job delivering pizzas and I'm wondering how best I can minimise the effort I put into the job, what to do while driving etc. Sadly it's not a job with tons of uninterrupted downtime but at the same time it's not unbearably horrible for a job (yet). I guess it's kinda like how driving for uber eats might be, except less downtime waiting between orders to take to customers. I am already taking refuelling breaks on company time, and I feel at this job it would be best to take 5 minute breaks and drive slower to maximise the time I have on the road. But I'm curious if anyone else in a similar job or who used to work this kinda job in the past has any other ideas on what to do? It kinda sucks because unlike long distance driving, this is maybe 10…
Store Manager Is Verbally Abusive
So this has been happening long before I started working here but just a couple days ago when I had a day off my brother was working and a customer was being belligerent with him, the Store Manager yells at him and because he's non confrontational he shuts down and refuses to talk whenever he's yelled at. The Manager starts yelling at him more so my brother just leaves early calling our mother to pick him up while crying. So now I'm pissed and I've decided from that day onward to raise hell for this guy. I'm recording his shitty behavior every chance I get and I'm sending it to HR and Ethics, anything else I should gather beforehand?
So I worked for this company as a receptionist. Management sucked and everybody started quitting but me being naive and just needing the money for rent I stayed. Started picking up double shifts and doing other jobs to pick up the slack. After about 3 months of this non stop I get a call from Boss at the end of my shift ( I open the store) saying “we need you to stay for a double and pick up the night shift. The other receptionist can't make it in” To which I reply that I can't I have prior commitments that I cannot reschedule. So Boss says to me “well a few months ago you had a call out and left your shift (my wife had a PTSD breakdown and I had to go home to take care of her) we were going to write you up for it but…
Obvious demotion status brought to my attention today, that could affect the company I work for. I work at a place that does internal certification, certain machinery, forklifts, lifts, assembly I was told on Friday that I need to be careful because I hit a empty box with forks, due to clogged Warehouse conditions! Today”Labor day” we had yesterday off for labor day which we will have to make up for this weekend. Anyways I'm told that I am being taken off machines that are an integral part of completing my job. I am in management so it shouldn't be consider crazy to think I'm being targeted because I know people here who have done much worst. Anyways have a great day. What leg do I have to stand on here ?
Real Futurama
Work not letting me work
I was on a medical loa (had a baby,) and was supposed to start work again one month later (which is fucked up but a separate issue.) they knew this in advance. My first day back I went to the computer (I wfh,) and I could not access the programs to start working- my passwords didn’t work. I was told by my team manager it would get taken care of I just might have to take off some extra days. That was almost two weeks ago and all I get when I contact tm is that they’re working on it, she didn’t know this would happen, and she doesn’t know how long it will take. She assures me I have not lost my job. At this point I’m so stressed I don’t know what to do. I need to work to pay my bills and if I don’t start very…