US labor laws are awful. Bad companies can skirt around laws so easily. What are some ideas to hurt bad employers? Name shame, etc…
This could be an email
Conflict of interest?
The director's are turning a blind eye to the Procurement manager setting up a new supplier and doing business with her Husband's business (who he's a director of but doesn't own a shareholding). Would this be normally frowned at or a conflict? Maybe I'm out of touch.
The following is for Indian software companies. I am on the lower management side of one of the top MNCs in India. I decided to make this post after seeing the change in management's attitude towards people who are working as contractors in my company. It is more out of guilt than anything else, as I brought in one of my close friends into my company through my reference and she joined as a contractor – unfortunately. So read through and take it any way you want. From start of September, we have been witnessing all the large companies ganging up together and releasing so many news(read bribed) articles about how software developers have started taking on side gigs aka moonlighting. This is obviously a tactic these higher management Boomers have whipped up to force everyone back into shitty office spaces. If it is not already apparent to you,…
I was sitting here on reddit and one of the people told me about an interesting company that is primarily engaged in the mining, processing and sale of coal in China and abroad. Has anyone heard of this company or dealt with it? I was able to find information about it on wikipedia (, but there is some specific information there, just the date it was founded, etc.