I am a professional with tonnes of experience and a fairly good resume. Recently I've had trouble getting hired due to the economic downturn. I've started applying on Upwork as well just because I'm desperate (have an ill family member). I understand people hiring others and not being able to respond but I literally have had multiple proposals where my proposal was accepted, they were messaging me to set up a time to interview and then just GHOSTED. PLEASE HAVE THE DECENCY TO TELL US YOU HAVE HIRED SOMEBODY ELSE SO WE CAN TURN OUR PERSONAL ATTENTION TO OTHER AVENUES. IT LITERALLY TAKES A MINUTE! Edit: Typo
Found in the wild….Lisbon, Portugal.
My boss cut my hours….
I work for a small grocery chain here in LA and about a month or two ago my hours were cut in half from around 40 to exactly 20 A week it came with no warning or advanced notice. Originally I was fine since after asking about it my boss told me it was cause i kept going overtime by 30 minutes to an hour each week as well as taking 'long' bathroom breaks, so the store manager decided to reduce my hours. Was never given an end date just that it'd be fixed eventually. Thankfully what i make is enough to pay for my bills and since I live with my mom who makes more than me i have a bit of security if I'm ever short. I know my boss doesn't give a crap since I've given a two week notice and he just told me good luck…
I got offered another job today. If I take it, it is literally double what I was on 12 months ago. This wouldn’t have happened if I stayed where I was. I would be on maybe 1-2000 more.
Can I report HR?
I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit to go to, but I can’t find anything on google that helps me report HR. I was called into HR today for a dress code violation. I wore a crop top today. I was told it was too revealing(at most like an inch of stomach shows). People hardly get to look at what I wear I wear something like a hazmat suit all day. I was wondering if I could report this to someone higher. Any advice would be appreciated!
Hi, long time lurker, first time poster here. I've decided to share my story, even though I'm not from US. TL;DR at the end. For a few months now, I've been working as an intern for a company, let's call them company X. As a rule, they hire interns as contractors, not as employees. That means interns get 3 months contracts, with an option to sign for another 3 months once the time is up. Now, a little background info: due to legal regulations in my country, contractors have no paid leave, no vacation days, no sick days, no employee rights that are guaranteed by labor law, they aren't even legally required to have set working hours or a set place of work (it all depends how the contract itself is constructed – if it inclines both parties agree to certain working hours and certain places of work, it's fine,…
We recently got this email from one of the main guys that run our company and it really rubbed me the wrong way. He's basically saying “be happy that you have it better than Miggy”, and celebrating the fact that this guy is breaking his fucking back for a corporation that doesn't give a single fuck about him -hoping- that one day he'll be able to manage the hotel he works at. I can't stand my job. I'm not sure what to do anymore.