
Pandemic? What pandemic?

Note: I am vaccinated. I hate corporate america so much. I've been feeling like shit lately so when I noticed a gap in my schedule I was happy. A little extra time to rest and start feeling better or ride out whatever was coming. But no. First missed shift, I get a call from my manager. I don't answer because I'm off and not obligated to. I'm still scheduled the next day so I go in and find they updated my schedule without telling me, so now the break I thought I had doesn't exist anymore and I don't have any attendance points to spare. On top of that, I woke up with cold/covid symptoms today. I would have been off if they had left my schedule alone. I came into work because I have no choice, its either get fired or come in sick. So here I am, feeling…

Note: I am vaccinated.
I hate corporate america so much. I've been feeling like shit lately so when I noticed a gap in my schedule I was happy. A little extra time to rest and start feeling better or ride out whatever was coming. But no. First missed shift, I get a call from my manager. I don't answer because I'm off and not obligated to.
I'm still scheduled the next day so I go in and find they updated my schedule without telling me, so now the break I thought I had doesn't exist anymore and I don't have any attendance points to spare. On top of that, I woke up with cold/covid symptoms today. I would have been off if they had left my schedule alone. I came into work because I have no choice, its either get fired or come in sick. So here I am, feeling like death, symptomatic in a pandemic that my country has basically decided doesn't matter. And my manager says “here's a mask, get to work”.

Corporate america is fucking bullshit.

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