
Panic Mode Activated

I guess I just need some advice… maybe words of affirmation or encouragement. I don't really know. I was just fired from a job that I wasn't even at for more than a week. They let me go because I violated the attendance policy because I missed two days of work for dental work (root canal and deep cleaning) that I have a doctor's note for. I would've postponed it but my dental insurance expires on the 28th and I would've had to have been employed by the new place for at least 3 months before I would be able to get on their insurance. Needless to say, I told the dentist to go ahead with everything and get it out of the way while I still had insurance. Now I'm out of a job and in full blown panic mode because I have absolutely no source of income. After…

I guess I just need some advice… maybe words of affirmation or encouragement. I don't really know.

I was just fired from a job that I wasn't even at for more than a week. They let me go because I violated the attendance policy because I missed two days of work for dental work (root canal and deep cleaning) that I have a doctor's note for. I would've postponed it but my dental insurance expires on the 28th and I would've had to have been employed by the new place for at least 3 months before I would be able to get on their insurance. Needless to say, I told the dentist to go ahead with everything and get it out of the way while I still had insurance.

Now I'm out of a job and in full blown panic mode because I have absolutely no source of income. After trimming the fat on my monthly subscriptions and expenses, I have about $520 due each month and I am freaking out because I can't pay at the moment.

I've been looking and applying for jobs every single day and haven't had any luck. I am 31 years old and have a B.A. but I can't find anything right now. People in my life that I've tried to lean on for support just tell me to “get a fucking job” and I'm TRYING.

I know I'm not the only one in this position right now but I don't know what else to do at this point. I would greatly appreciate any advice or just side gigs/hustles that I could do to make ends meet. I just don't know what to do y'all.

Thanks <3

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