
Part time job used to mean relaxed casual job that kids can do. Now part time job means full time hours minus 1 hour with no set schedule or benefits

And then randomly no hours when they feel like it. And the standards are high and you have to work fast like you’re afraid losing this job will mean starvation. I am looking for a part-time job, I have received 2 “offers” from stereotypical corporate retail places, and one of them wanted me to be there on wednesdays at 5am for minimum wage, then the next one let me know moments after my orientation that for the next two weeks I will be on call. On call for a shelf stocking job in a store. Like I signed up to be an EMT. They also told me my employment was contingent on a test. No I’m not dealing with this What happened to part time work supposedly meant for kids or old people. What about the high school teacher that just wants an extra 15 hours of work or whatever.…

And then randomly no hours when they feel like it. And the standards are high and you have to work fast like you’re afraid losing this job will mean starvation.

I am looking for a part-time job, I have received 2 “offers” from stereotypical corporate retail places, and one of them wanted me to be there on wednesdays at 5am for minimum wage, then the next one let me know moments after my orientation that for the next two weeks I will be on call. On call for a shelf stocking job in a store. Like I signed up to be an EMT. They also told me my employment was contingent on a test. No I’m not dealing with this

What happened to part time work supposedly meant for kids or old people. What about the high school teacher that just wants an extra 15 hours of work or whatever.

I will literally just move in with my mother to save extra money instead. Because there is no actual part time jobs that wouldn’t require harming the job I already have with their unreasonable expectations

It shouldn’t be legal. Companies should be forced to only have a certain percentage of part time positions as their work force, so that most people who work their can get benefits for these jobs that are supposedly for children. I think the fact that people at staples, target, petco, target etc etc should revolt immediately

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