
Partner finding it impossible to find work

So this is mostly just a rant about how hard my partner is working to find work, and how little opportunity she’s getting. Firstly we’re in the UK, she is a university graduate who’s not been able to get in to her field because everybody needs some form of experience in the field already and the market seems to be flooded with people. She’s been looking for work outside of her field in areas she’s worked in before (briefly) and in areas she studied in Uni (that are separate from her degree (like Marketing, social media, communications, etc) and she’s applied to well over 100 of these in the past few weeks, all of the replies have been rejections because other people have more qualifications. At the moment the only work she’s able to get is working in restaurants as a waitress and this is crushing her. She comes home…

So this is mostly just a rant about how hard my partner is working to find work, and how little opportunity she’s getting.

Firstly we’re in the UK, she is a university graduate who’s not been able to get in to her field because everybody needs some form of experience in the field already and the market seems to be flooded with people.
She’s been looking for work outside of her field in areas she’s worked in before (briefly) and in areas she studied in Uni (that are separate from her degree (like Marketing, social media, communications, etc) and she’s applied to well over 100 of these in the past few weeks, all of the replies have been rejections because other people have more qualifications.

At the moment the only work she’s able to get is working in restaurants as a waitress and this is crushing her. She comes home depressed every day and wakes up depressed because she thinks she’ll never get out of this industry.

I’ve been applying for jobs for her too just to try and get her name out there, but even still, hardly anything is coming of it.

Even if she gets one of these jobs we’re applying for, it’s entry level and roughly the same pay as being a waitress despite having requirements FAR HIGHER than the waitressing job, but hopefully there could at least be career growth potential and something she could be excited for?

We can’t afford to send her back to uni for a masters degree, and she can’t seem to find any other work.
I’ve offered to work more so I can financially support us both, but what sort of life is that for her? All she wants is to feel like she has purpose and every single company is turning her down.

She’s the hardest working person I’ve ever met, she has so much potential and so much passion, she’s just stuck between a rock and a hard place and is giving up hope.

Sorry if this isn’t the type of post that’s usually here, I just wanted to rant about how much expectation were told to have for a career in our lives – you need to do something special, earn lots of money, go far in life – and it’s so hard to achieve for some people. If we can’t get it we feel defeated and like we’ve failed.
It’s approaching the point where she thinks she has to move back to her home country because she just can’t afford London anymore.

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