
Partner went back to work today from parental bonding leave only to find out they filled his position and laid him off

He was not protected by fmla unfortunately, his leave was what was called newborn bonding/parental bonding. He worked his butt off for this company for six years, took time off to care for a family member during 2020 and 2021 and had been back less than 12 months in a different position and could not qualify for FMLA. Nothing nice to say about his manager or that company. Nothing nice to say at all so I'll just cut this short.

He was not protected by fmla unfortunately, his leave was what was called newborn bonding/parental bonding.
He worked his butt off for this company for six years, took time off to care for a family member during 2020 and 2021 and had been back less than 12 months in a different position and could not qualify for FMLA.
Nothing nice to say about his manager or that company.
Nothing nice to say at all so I'll just cut this short.

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