
Passive aggressive boss ruining my life

I work as a bookkeeper for a small company for the most hateful woman alive. She never trained me, I had to figure out almost everything on my own based off of previous months spreadsheets/ procedures because she never shows up. I'm often alone at the office and I literally make 15 an hour with no benefits, no paid holidays, no sick time. A few weeks ago I showed up to work still a little sick because I cant afford to miss. She berated me and told me I was selfish because I put her at risk. Fast forward to this week. My son was really sick all week which she knew as I struggled to find a sitter each day but made it work. Thursday I knew I was coming down with it but forced get through the day. I ended up hospitalized that night with the flu.…

I work as a bookkeeper for a small company for the most hateful woman alive. She never trained me, I had to figure out almost everything on my own based off of previous months spreadsheets/ procedures because she never shows up. I'm often alone at the office and I literally make 15 an hour with no benefits, no paid holidays, no sick time. A few weeks ago I showed up to work still a little sick because I cant afford to miss. She berated me and told me I was selfish because I put her at risk. Fast forward to this week. My son was really sick all week which she knew as I struggled to find a sitter each day but made it work. Thursday I knew I was coming down with it but forced get through the day. I ended up hospitalized that night with the flu. When I text her to let her know she asked me if I had taken my temp that morning before I brought my illness in (I also asked her permission to show up that day). I said I had but it was normal and I felt a lot better in the am versus the onslaught I faced that night. I let her know I had the flu and a doctor's excuse and I saw she read it but never even replied. Not that night, or the next day. I know 100% she is going to berate me and belittle me all week next week. She frequently comes in in the morning just to “make sure I'm not doing anything personal on her time” by opening every recent document and web search on my computer. Forcing me to stand there awkwardly while she searches…and literally leaves for the day after it. I'm desperately seeking something better. If anyone knows of any legitimate remote positions I would do ANYTHING to escape this abuse. This is literally the third boss I've had like this in recent years. What is the damn deal with all these narcissists

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