
passive aggressive remarks about return to the office

Throwaway account – I was recruited for a position at a new company. I specifically said on multiple occasions to recruiting, members of the team, the hiring manager – I have ZERO desire to ever return to the office. I will come in for critical team meetings and trainings, but never want to do the slog at 7am and 5pm. Everyone agreed and said yes yes we're remote. They recruit me hard and I said fine let's do this. Fast forward 7 months – the hiring manager now makes passive aggressive remarks every single time “it'd be nice to see you sitting there” (pointing from their zoom). I always reply with something like “yeah you see me “right there” (pointing back at zoom). It's getting tiring hearing from this boomer with these comments and I'm waiting for the comment to say you have to come in 5 days a week.…

Throwaway account – I was recruited for a position at a new company. I specifically said on multiple occasions to recruiting, members of the team, the hiring manager – I have ZERO desire to ever return to the office. I will come in for critical team meetings and trainings, but never want to do the slog at 7am and 5pm. Everyone agreed and said yes yes we're remote. They recruit me hard and I said fine let's do this. Fast forward 7 months – the hiring manager now makes passive aggressive remarks every single time “it'd be nice to see you sitting there” (pointing from their zoom). I always reply with something like “yeah you see me “right there” (pointing back at zoom). It's getting tiring hearing from this boomer with these comments and I'm waiting for the comment to say you have to come in 5 days a week. I absolutely did not sign up to be in the office, but stupidly did not ask for this to be written into my contract. I am OVER these boomers in management – face time doesn't equal more work. It just means I now need to close my door and put on headphones and change my desk to have my back facing the door. Guess I'm looking for a new job now.

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