
Pathetic Christmas gift stories!

It’s the holiday season so I would like to hear your worst Christmas gift stories from your merry past employers (or current). I’m in a reflective mood because I left the terrible tv news industry after 7 years and finally switched to a career where I feel valued and compensated (and I have holidays off, don’t have to work overnights!). Here’s my crappy story: My ex manager gave me a whopping 10 DOLLAR target gift card only after I complained of not being appreciated and not getting paid for overtime (which I never did) I was curious to hear everyone else’s …

It’s the holiday season so I would like to hear your worst Christmas gift stories from your merry past employers (or current). I’m in a reflective mood because I left the terrible tv news industry after 7 years and finally switched to a career where I feel valued and compensated (and I have holidays off, don’t have to work overnights!).

Here’s my crappy story: My ex manager gave me a whopping 10 DOLLAR target gift card only after I complained of not being appreciated and not getting paid for overtime (which I never did)

I was curious to hear everyone else’s …

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