
Pay Range in Job Posting

I'm applying for a new role at the company I already work for. It's a more engaging position, and switches me from part time to full time, as well as what should be a bump in hourly pay. The pay range in the public job ad is $19.50-$27.16 “based on experience and training, key skills. I had a cursory meeting to discuss details for the role swap where I brought up the posted range and the hiring manager sort of chuckled and said “well no one down there is getting paid that much”. As if the pay for this new position is relative to what other people are being paid, rather than standalone based on my skills and the range they're offering. Pretty frustrating cuz I can tell he's gearing up to give me something like a $22 offer, despite me being one of the most qualified candidates available. What…

I'm applying for a new role at the company I already work for. It's a more engaging position, and switches me from part time to full time, as well as what should be a bump in hourly pay. The pay range in the public job ad is $19.50-$27.16 “based on experience and training, key skills.

I had a cursory meeting to discuss details for the role swap where I brought up the posted range and the hiring manager sort of chuckled and said “well no one down there is getting paid that much”. As if the pay for this new position is relative to what other people are being paid, rather than standalone based on my skills and the range they're offering. Pretty frustrating cuz I can tell he's gearing up to give me something like a $22 offer, despite me being one of the most qualified candidates available.

What kind of language should I use help him understand that the pay is not relative? What kind of advise would you give me in order to push for the maximum? Why does the maximum exist if companies won't pay a qualified candidate that amount?

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