
Paycheck to paycheck, anyone else exhausted?

Like the title says, I live paycheck to paycheck. I’m in my mid-30’s and I’ve always lived this way and it definitely isn’t by choice. I recently started a new job working as an assistant to a very wealthy business owner. On Friday, he pulls me into his office to let me know that there was a payroll delay so I won’t be paid on this check, but “don’t worry because it’ll all be on the next one.” I immediately started to panic inside because a late paycheck means a late rent payment (among other things), and I’ve paid late so many times at this point they might evict me. My boss said it so casually it was shocking. I drove home seething, wondering how he could be so casual about my livelihood and suddenly it dawned on me—this man inherited a business from his family and never in his…

Like the title says, I live paycheck to paycheck. I’m in my mid-30’s and I’ve always lived this way and it definitely isn’t by choice.
I recently started a new job working as an assistant to a very wealthy business owner. On Friday, he pulls me into his office to let me know that there was a payroll delay so I won’t be paid on this check, but “don’t worry because it’ll all be on the next one.” I immediately started to panic inside because a late paycheck means a late rent payment (among other things), and I’ve paid late so many times at this point they might evict me.
My boss said it so casually it was shocking. I drove home seething, wondering how he could be so casual about my livelihood and suddenly it dawned on me—this man inherited a business from his family and never in his entire LIFE has he had to worry about making rent, not once. Meanwhile, I’ve done it literally my whole adult life. No matter what I do yo try and improve my circumstances I’m left clawing and scraping to get by, and I’m exhausted. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and once you’re poor, you may as well lock it in because the system we live in makes it impossible to get out. Just needed a quick rant before heading out to drive for Postmates after the 10 hours of overtime I just put in on a Sunday….if you read this far I hope your luck is better than mine lately

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