
Peer Reviewing is garbage – Rant

My team just instituted a Peer Review of our entire caseload. My job is not really important but we review cases to ensure accuracy of information and the like. We have a very strict Quality Check that is asinine in its own right. Now they want us to double check each others work. The quality scoring of our team is clearly low because of one individual. They are struggling (which happens) and can't seem to right themselves. I don't blame the guy, sometimes when you get a couple findings in a row you can start to spiral. So instead of trying to figure out some one on one coaching of process/procedure standards they just want to make everyone do double work. I hate it. If they get a finding on a case I reviewed then I feel just awful and its just undue stress. Why don't they just offer the…

My team just instituted a Peer Review of our entire caseload. My job is not really important but we review cases to ensure accuracy of information and the like. We have a very strict Quality Check that is asinine in its own right. Now they want us to double check each others work.

The quality scoring of our team is clearly low because of one individual. They are struggling (which happens) and can't seem to right themselves. I don't blame the guy, sometimes when you get a couple findings in a row you can start to spiral. So instead of trying to figure out some one on one coaching of process/procedure standards they just want to make everyone do double work. I hate it. If they get a finding on a case I reviewed then I feel just awful and its just undue stress.

Why don't they just offer the individual the help the obviously need instead of just dumping the issue on the entire team. Its immensely stressful and frustrating. I didn't get this job to be a QC person or do other peoples work.

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