
People are Alike

Candy O’Queen from Falcanna and how I compare Iran and the US in a ridiculous way. Here is how I see it tonight in regards to our nation’s (USA) inability to ensure proper human rights- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, can be afforded to everyone in our nation. The top tier wealth in this country controls the media, and as a result controls those that are pushed to be in government. We see with the latest speaker voting and ridiculous top secret document charade. I always say to the people close to me as a joke. “We have the best reality television show that is always on, it's our government.” They have ensured we are all divided through their coverage and lack of regulation over social media and data gathering. AI is moving quickly and could already be advanced. I fear it could get worse. What I see…

Candy O’Queen from Falcanna and how I compare Iran and the US in a ridiculous way.

Here is how I see it tonight in regards to our nation’s (USA) inability to ensure proper human rights- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, can be afforded to everyone in our nation.

The top tier wealth in this country controls the media, and as a result controls those that are pushed to be in government. We see with the latest speaker voting and ridiculous top secret document charade. I always say to the people close to me as a joke.

“We have the best reality television show that is always on, it's our government.”

They have ensured we are all divided through their coverage and lack of regulation over social media and data gathering. AI is moving quickly and could already be advanced. I fear it could get worse.

What I see in Iran is a true agreement against the unjust system and those in power not taking responsibility for having been ineffective in instituting fairness.

We must bond as hardworking, motivated people wanting only to pursue those human rights for ourselves and our families. In a system based on fairness.

This shit going on in Iran is so inspiring and I am amazed at how the people have bonded and unite towards seeking those human rights.

Myself and my thoughts part 1

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