
people complain about this generation not wanting to work

But we have places like my previous employer in which just let me go today after a month a 3 weeks, when I asked where I could improve in the future, my manager told me, “it was just a couple of things that we had to keep working on (he didn't explain any further), you're a great employee and worker with dedication and drive, and I'd be more than happy to be your reference from here forward.” They didn't even give me adequate time to do my training or anything, and I live in a right to work state, so it's not like I can do anything about it.

But we have places like my previous employer in which just let me go today after a month a 3 weeks, when I asked where I could improve in the future, my manager told me,

“it was just a couple of things that we had to keep working on (he didn't explain any further), you're a great employee and worker with dedication and drive, and I'd be more than happy to be your reference from here forward.”

They didn't even give me adequate time to do my training or anything, and I live in a right to work state, so it's not like I can do anything about it.

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