
people don’t wanna work anymore: a boring rant

I am reasonably content at work and generally like working for my boss. Normally my boss can and does rely on me to cover shifts on short notice. Until now, I've never turned down a single extra shift. That said, quick rant: I have a 2 day special life event coming up. I wasn't scheduled to work those 2 days, but since I'm called in at least one extra shift per week, to be safe I texted my boss well ahead of time to let them know I'd be unavailable. I also wrote it on the scheduling calendar and reminded them in person a few days ago. It's not a requested absence or time off – just a specific set of days where I won't be available to work someone else's shifts. Sometime over the last few days, I got scheduled for one of my unavailable days. This tends to…

I am reasonably content at work and generally like working for my boss. Normally my boss can and does rely on me to cover shifts on short notice. Until now, I've never turned down a single extra shift.

That said, quick rant:

I have a 2 day special life event coming up.

I wasn't scheduled to work those 2 days, but since I'm called in at least one extra shift per week, to be safe I texted my boss well ahead of time to let them know I'd be unavailable. I also wrote it on the scheduling calendar and reminded them in person a few days ago. It's not a requested absence or time off – just a specific set of days where I won't be available to work someone else's shifts.

Sometime over the last few days, I got scheduled for one of my unavailable days. This tends to happen when someone calls off; the boss just schedules me in their place and then reminds me they did so the day before the actual shift. Texted the boss to point out my unavailability and they took me off that day, but shifted blame to me, saying next time I should write it on the calendar. I didn't bother mentioning that it's been on the calendar for weeks and all these shifts are ones I'm technically volunteering to come in for. Even if I never turn them down, they can't really force me to come in on unscheduled days and it shouldn't be necessary for me to write down which of my “days off” they need to respect.

Now I get another text asking if I can come in the other of my unavailable days. I say no.

“I'm sorry, I thought I could rely on you.”

End of rant. I don't need legal advice and I'm not gonna quit. Just wanted to vent.

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