
People should be able to share their experiences on r/antiwork without worrying about others telling them that they are wrong and be given simplistic advice

We here on r/antiwork get a lot of stories and experiences from people in horrible working conditions for various reasons. Which I think is great and this subreddit would be much lesser without them. My problem is the responses to these posts. Go to any post on r/antiwork about someone giving their own perspective or experiences on a matter and you inevitably will find multiple comments from people telling them they are wrong. These are often times people venting about shitty situations they have personally encountered, just to have some random person on the internet tell them that they don't know what they are talking about. Even though they are talking about what they personally experienced, so they definitely do know what they are talking about. The same goes for the simplistic advice. Nobody asked for your advice, that is not what this subreddit is about. If they wanted advice…

We here on r/antiwork get a lot of stories and experiences from people in horrible working conditions for various reasons. Which I think is great and this subreddit would be much lesser without them. My problem is the responses to these posts. Go to any post on r/antiwork about someone giving their own perspective or experiences on a matter and you inevitably will find multiple comments from people telling them they are wrong. These are often times people venting about shitty situations they have personally encountered, just to have some random person on the internet tell them that they don't know what they are talking about. Even though they are talking about what they personally experienced, so they definitely do know what they are talking about. The same goes for the simplistic advice. Nobody asked for your advice, that is not what this subreddit is about. If they wanted advice they would have posted on r/jobs or something similar. On r/antiwork, if you are here to only promote work then you should leave, this is not the subreddit for you and the advice you give is not helpful and is a lot of times insulting.

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