
People showed no enthusiasm at my company’s quarterly “pep rally” and it was refreshing to see

I work at a western clothing/boot warehouse and they have these meetings every few months where before the shift starts, everyone is forced to gather around to hear the managers talk about how great the company is doing. They gave shoutouts with botched names to people who’ve been with the company for X years, they talked about safety, HR updates, yadda yadda yadda. The part I actually enjoyed was when they went over how many units we pushed out during peak season and how they’ve been “challenged” to push out more this year, because OF COURSE it’s never enough. We shipped 1.1 million units during peak, and the challenge is 2 million this year, pause for applause. They mentioned something about how our company is like in the top 10 logistics companies in America now, pause for applause. They opened up a new logistics line for some beverage stuff and…

I work at a western clothing/boot warehouse and they have these meetings every few months where before the shift starts, everyone is forced to gather around to hear the managers talk about how great the company is doing. They gave shoutouts with botched names to people who’ve been with the company for X years, they talked about safety, HR updates, yadda yadda yadda.

The part I actually enjoyed was when they went over how many units we pushed out during peak season and how they’ve been “challenged” to push out more this year, because OF COURSE it’s never enough. We shipped 1.1 million units during peak, and the challenge is 2 million this year, pause for applause. They mentioned something about how our company is like in the top 10 logistics companies in America now, pause for applause. They opened up a new logistics line for some beverage stuff and they opened up 5 locations across the country for it, pause for applause. They were like, “Are you guys ready to help us break record profits this year and make this company the best it’s ever been??” Pause for applause.

Every time they said something about numbers or records or other bullshit, the first manager would get hardly anything. Then this other manager guy with “peaked in high school football” energy would have to come up behind with “AWW COME ON SECOND SHIFT, LEMME HEAR YA SAY LET’S BREAK SOME RECORDS” or whatever was just said. 🤡

He’d get some unenthused woos, and I’d just see people rolling eyes or chuckling with their nearby work buddies.

I actually quite enjoy this place and the pay is pretty good, I make $22/hr as an MHE driver, but neither I nor anyone else there gives a flying fuck about how many billions of dollars they’re making as a company. So long as they’re paying my bills, that’s all that matters. I just enjoyed seeing the crowd’s reaction to their little pep rally, people are fed up with this kind of BS and it shows

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