
People who hate their job but can’t quit for now, how do you deal with it?

They moved me to another department. I liked the previous one, i hate this one. In the previous one i was hired through an intermediate company, in this one I'm hired directly by the main company. I'm young (24) and I'm just trying to make some money in this company near home while I'm pursuing something else. I really need the money. This new department is more technical (previous one was logistics). There's much stuff to learn and the environment is a bit hostile. The work is not smooth like before, I don't like the people and i feel excluded. Every day is a challenge, every morning is very hard. I look forward to the end of the shift since the beginning. How do you cope when you feel like this?

They moved me to another department. I liked the previous one, i hate this one. In the previous one i was hired through an intermediate company, in this one I'm hired directly by the main company.

I'm young (24) and I'm just trying to make some money in this company near home while I'm pursuing something else. I really need the money.

This new department is more technical (previous one was logistics). There's much stuff to learn and the environment is a bit hostile. The work is not smooth like before, I don't like the people and i feel excluded.

Every day is a challenge, every morning is very hard. I look forward to the end of the shift since the beginning.

How do you cope when you feel like this?

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