
People who WFH. Be honest. How many hours do you actually work?

Are you Salary or Hourly? For me it depends, but on an average day (like today), I'd say I'm actually working or looking at work related things on my screen about 6 hours a day. I'm online from 7:30-3:30, only taking 15 to eat lunch. First 45 mins of my day, I am looking at emails, but mostly having breakfast with the wife. Rest of the day I do my daily tasks, but there are slow periods where I am on my phone, going outside for some air, checking my plants, or on reddit. I probably take 10 minutes every hour or so to do one of these things. Yet somehow, I feel like I am way more productive than I would be at an Office. In my last job, my colleagues and I would get up every 45 minutes to get water or literally do anything than to sit…

Are you Salary or Hourly?

For me it depends, but on an average day (like today), I'd say I'm actually working or looking at work related things on my screen about 6 hours a day. I'm online from 7:30-3:30, only taking 15 to eat lunch.

First 45 mins of my day, I am looking at emails, but mostly having breakfast with the wife. Rest of the day I do my daily tasks, but there are slow periods where I am on my phone, going outside for some air, checking my plants, or on reddit. I probably take 10 minutes every hour or so to do one of these things.

Yet somehow, I feel like I am way more productive than I would be at an Office. In my last job, my colleagues and I would get up every 45 minutes to get water or literally do anything than to sit in our cubicle. This and the times I would waste being online or something during slow days.

I love WFH, and I like the company I work for, so I hope I'm not the only one lol.

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