
People who work at a job that actually appreciates and treats them well, what’s it like for you?

I read so many stories about awful work places and their dehumanizing treatment of employees, but does anyone here have any stories about fantastic work places? What makes them so great for you? I recently quit my 4 year old minimum wage fast food job a little over a month ago, since I moved houses and it became too far to drive. I put so much effort into doing good there despite some shitty management, and tried to go above and beyond for them. I tried to make the food look nice and presentable every time, and did all my cleaning duties very well. I only got a 10c raise each year, and I knew my efforts weren't appreciated but that never stopped me from trying to do a good job. After moving, I found a cute little bakery/cafe that was hiring just 5 minutes from my new house. Got…

I read so many stories about awful work places and their dehumanizing treatment of employees, but does anyone here have any stories about fantastic work places? What makes them so great for you?

I recently quit my 4 year old minimum wage fast food job a little over a month ago, since I moved houses and it became too far to drive. I put so much effort into doing good there despite some shitty management, and tried to go above and beyond for them. I tried to make the food look nice and presentable every time, and did all my cleaning duties very well. I only got a 10c raise each year, and I knew my efforts weren't appreciated but that never stopped me from trying to do a good job.

After moving, I found a cute little bakery/cafe that was hiring just 5 minutes from my new house. Got interviewed, everything went well, and I got the job. Let me tell you, this is only my second job but its been the best experience of my life. The lady that owns the cafe is such an incredibly sweet person, and acts like a mom to all her staff of about 20 people between two locations. My hours at the fast food job were around 2pm until 8-10pm, but my new ones start at 9-10 am and end at 3-4 pm, which means I actually get to enjoy the rest of my day instead of just going to bed after, plus we all get to start later on sundays and leave earlier, and we have mondays off. We make tips, and share them evenly between all staff scheduled for that day, so im making an extra $25-50-100 a shift depending on how busy it is. The customers are always sweet, and the staff are even sweeter. The lady that owns the cafe literally made me fresh homemade mac and cheese during my second shift and had me sit and eat. I can sit whenever I want, as long as its not busy, and take a break whenever I feel I need one. They sometimes give me leftover cupcakes or cinnamon buns to take home, or the owner will save the extras and donate them to food banks and shelters. While I'm still making minimum wage, my performance will be up for review within 3 months and I could get a raise, much better than 10c a year.

We had a team gathering at a cute fancy bistro a few days ago where she paid for all the drinks and food, gave us all a gift bag with things like candles/wine/chocolate, and she gave all of us a card stating that she donated animals like chickens to families in need, on behalf of each of her staff.

I was so miserable at my last job and underappreciated, this was such a shocking change. I feel like its too good to be true.

Does anyone else have any good stories about workplaces?

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