
People with significant others from affluent families, how do you avoid getting bitter?

I have been spending time with my significant others family this month, and I knew they were wealthy, but it never really hit me until I spent more time with them. Their father just bought four vehicles for their family. These aren’t shitters either, a Dodge 2500, a Volvo SUV, a Hyundai Tuscon, and a Ford Edge. All of them 2019 or above, all of them with less than 30k miles. In total probably 75k minimum in purchases. That’s not even including the miscellaneous charges they spend every day. $500 at dinner is nothing to them. They go to Hawaii or Universal Resorts at least once a year. They have all the toys and gadgets you could dream of, drones, oculuses, 75-inch TV’s, $600 espresso makers. I love my significant other very much, but sometimes it gets hard being with them. I have never had more than $2,500 in my…

I have been spending time with my significant others family this month, and I knew they were wealthy, but it never really hit me until I spent more time with them.

Their father just bought four vehicles for their family. These aren’t shitters either, a Dodge 2500, a Volvo SUV, a Hyundai Tuscon, and a Ford Edge. All of them 2019 or above, all of them with less than 30k miles.

In total probably 75k minimum in purchases.

That’s not even including the miscellaneous charges they spend every day. $500 at dinner is nothing to them.

They go to Hawaii or Universal Resorts at least once a year.

They have all the toys and gadgets you could dream of, drones, oculuses, 75-inch TV’s, $600 espresso makers.

I love my significant other very much, but sometimes it gets hard being with them. I have never had more than $2,500 in my bank account, and that was only for one month before I had to use it on necessities.

My car badly needs a ton of maintenance, but I don’t have the money.

Had to drop out of college because I couldn’t afford $8k a semester in tuition on top of rent, and I feared that taking in debt would just financially saddle me even further.

Never had a job pay me more than $60k. The one job I landed that did pay me $60k worked me like a dog, they expected 60 hour weeks minimum. When I pushed back they fired me on the spot without a thought.

How do you guys avoid getting bitter? At yourself? At the world? At others?

I try to tell myself that if I keep working, one day I’ll be able to afford a house, and maybe be able to have a child or two, but I can’t see it. It seems no matter how hard I work, it’s always two steps forward and one step back.

If anyone has any words of wisdom, I would love to hear them.

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